A Favored Nation Sign

In Evangelical circles, one is either of the Calvinist/Cessationist view, or the Arminius/Continuous view: of signs and wonders, that is.  The cessationist view is of  signs and wonders having now ceased, since Jesus’ work on the cross was finished. We don’t see people walking on water, great seas divide, tablets chiseled with the Laws of God on them coming down from the mountain tops. We don’t believe in the speaking ‘in tongues’ using languages that no one can understand.   That happened at Pentecost. Which was after Christ’s work on the cross was finished. Oops..then the signs and wonders have not ceased? They have, to my way of thinking. But God slips in some very significant indications here and there that remind us of his great power and favor or displeasure. One of those occurred on the Forth of July in 1826. If there was ever a sign that the United States Of America has a favored status as a nation with Almighty God, this is it. Mere coincidence? Two Founding Fathers who die on the same day within hours of each other is coincidence. But that day falling on the birth date of our nation and its 50th anniversary? That is a sign. A sign that God has found favor with our nation. John Adams in Quincy, MA and Thomas Jefferson at Monticello, VA die on July 4, 1826: an astonishing fact. I don’t know if God still favors our nation, but he sure did then. I pray he still does. I wonder if  the American hating zealot who tear down our historical statues have knowledge of this ‘coincidence’. If they do, yet still want to tear down tangible reminders of our history, let God deal with them. No one can change the facts of this event in our history: a sign of a favored nation that occurred July 4, 1826.

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